Google I/O 2022 - Flutter program announced

Christmas time for Flutter lovers is just around the corner with Google I/O 2022. This year, like the previous year, there is a lot of focus on Flutter.

Among the nine specific talks, we find nuggets such as Flutter Concurrency: When, why, and how to multithread in Flutter, What's new in Flutter, and Take a Flutter app from boring to beautiful.

Full list:

  • Take a Flutter app from boring to beautiful
  • What's new in Flutter
  • Flutter Concurrency: When, why, and how to multithread in Flutter
  • Diving into Flutter desktop
  • Real-world Flutter lessons for federated plugin development
  • Watching a Flutter App Crash
  • Web apps with Flutter: A love letter to modern browsers
  • Adding WebView to your Flutter app
  • Write a Flutter desktop application


1 year ago