Flutter State Management Simplified: A Guide to the Different Solutions Available

State management is an important aspect of app development, and it becomes even more crucial when building large and complex apps. In Flutter, there are several state management solutions available, each with its own set of pros and cons. In this article, we'll take a deep dive into the different state management options available in Flutter, and help you choose the right one for your app.


Riverpod is a relatively new state management solution for Flutter that aims to provide a simple and efficient way to manage state in your app. It uses the Provider package as a foundation and builds on it to provide additional features such as automatic dependency injection and state management using streams. One of the main advantages of Riverpod is that it makes it easy to manage and access your app's state while providing a clean and organized structure. It also allows you to separate your business logic from your UI code, making it easier to test and maintain. Additionally, it provides an easy to use and understand API which makes it a good option for developers of all skill levels.


ScopedModel is a popular state management solution in Flutter. It allows you to create a single, centralized model that can be shared across multiple widgets in your app. This makes it easy to share state between different parts of your app, and it also makes it easy to keep your code organized. One of the main advantages of ScopedModel is that it allows you to separate your business logic from your UI code, making it easier to test and maintain.


InheritedWidget is another state management solution in Flutter. It allows you to create a widget that can be inherited by other widgets in your app. This means that any changes to the inherited widget will be propagated down to the child widgets. One of the main advantages of InheritedWidget is that it is simple to use and understand. However, it can become difficult to manage when your app starts to grow in complexity.


Provider is a popular state management solution for Flutter that is based on InheritedWidget. It provides an easy way to share state between widgets, and it also allows you to separate your business logic from your UI code. One of the main advantages of Provider is that it is easy to use and understand, and it also makes it easy to test your code.


BLoC stands for Business Logic Component, and it is a state management solution that is based on the concept of streams. It allows you to separate your business logic from your UI code, and it makes it easy to test and maintain your code. One of the main advantages of BLoC is that it is easy to use and understand, and it also makes it easy to test your code.


Redux is a popular state management solution that is based on the concept of a store. It allows you to create a single, centralized store that can be shared across multiple widgets in your app. This makes it easy to share state between different parts of your app, and it also makes it easy to keep your code organized. One of the main advantages of Redux is that it allows you to separate your business logic from your UI code, making it easier to test and maintain.

State management is an important aspect of app development, and there are several solutions available in Flutter. Riverpod, ScopedModel, InheritedWidget, Provider, BLoC and Redux are some of the most popular state management solutions in Flutter. Each solution has its own set of pros and cons, and the right one for your app will depend on your specific needs.

1 year ago